Thursday, June 28, 2012

Touch and be touched to experience healing

There is tremendous power in a touch, many people will attest to that, hence the ritual of hand-shaking and the significance of body massage. The Eastern rituals of bowing or clasped hands in greeting are a spiritual form of the hand-shake, conveying connection between two people.

In the Epistle Reading for this Sunday – The Fifth Sunday after Pentecost – Paul urges the Corinthian believers to be intentional “not only to do something but even to desire to do finish doing it” (2 Corinthians 8:1-15). In other words, match desire with action.

Paul was encouraging the Corinthians to make a physical – monetary – contribution to help the poor church in Jerusalem. The significance of this contribution was not the money, but the resultant spiritual  connection between the Gentile Christians and their Jewish brethren in Jerusalem.

There is an equally powerful demonstration of the significance of a touch in the Gospel Reading  from Mark 5:21-43.  By touching Jesus' garment, the woman suffering from unending hemorrhages found healing. Similarly, Jesus touched the dead synagogue leader's daughter by the hand and she came to life.

Think of the joy (a sign of healing) on the faces of those in a nursing home or hospital when they are visited and touched. The healing is on both the visitor and the visited; in fact many who do such visits believe they get healed even more than those they visit.

Be intentional about touching someone and being touched this week-end.

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