This appears as number five on Brad's listof 10 Commandments of Happiness, but the order is only arbitrary. Here
too, I will give an illustration.
Recently, a friend recounted his
experience when he stood in front of people and told of his own story of
transformation. He is a young man rebuilding his life after years of addiction.
In the process of recovery he has achieved some milestones, even in the eyes of
those who know him.
He trained for and participated in this
year's Flying Pig Marathon, something he would not have been able to
accomplish before the recovery process. He has reconnected and now has
relationship with his daughter. Furthermore, he is already taking steps to go
back to school and finish his education.
Standing in front of people to tell this
story was almost scary to him, but he managed to do it and he was quite happy
Ironically, after ballet classes, his six
year old daughter performed, for the first time, in front of 200 people. This
was the same week he gave his testimony. She told him that she was a little
afraid, but not scared.
Children don't second guess themselves and
they are happier. We sometimes allow the past to haunt us.. We allow other
people – and society in general - to
impose limits on our abilities. None is these will bring one happiness.
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