The fourth topic in the 2012 Lenten Series at Christ Church Cathedral was presented by Interim Dean, Ron DelBene on Wednesday, March 21. The theme of the series is Occupy Yourself: Doing Lent in an Unre-Lenting World. Prayer being a major discipline during Lent, in his presentation Ron emphasized the importance of “Living in the Present”.
The world-view of the Hebrews, for example, was of creation of heavens above where God resided and earth and the oceans below. Our knowledge today is of an unending universe, and the earth occupying a tiny space in the expanse. The world-view continues to change since July 20, 1969 when, for the first time a created being, stepped outside its habitat and looked at it from a distance.
Whereas in the Hebrew world-view, to see God meant death – and no one wants to die – in the present world-view God resides among us and to see God is to have life.
Dean DelBene gave ample illustrations of the tensions between the desire to “live in the present” in prayer, and religious establishment. Monasticism is an example of that desire to get back to the present, away from the established ecclesiastical practice.
Finally, DelBene emphasized the importance of intensity in prayer. It is necessary to ask oneself: “What do I call God and what am I asking for?”
Next Wednesday, March 28, will be the final presentation in the series. Jerry Lowe's topic will be: Lent on the Lens: Redemption and Joy at the Sinema. We will bring you a report but it is best to be there and hear it yourself.
As always your comments and suggestions are welcome.