Sunday, February 26, 2012


A lullaby before indictment

This Sunday's First Reading from Isaiah 5:1-7 sounds like it is plucked out of the Song of Songs with all the praises a lover heaps on a beloved.
  1. Let me sing for my beloved
  2. A song about his vineyard.
  3. My beloved had a vineyard
  4. On a fertile hillside.
  5. He broke the ground, cleared it of stones
  6. And planted it with choice vines,
  7. He built a watchtower inside it,
  8. He even hewed a winepress in it. (Isaiah 5:1-2a)

Indeed, after all the lavishes, the beloved wonders: "What more could have been done for my vineyard?" Perhaps the beloved was hoping to be able to say to the vineyard:
  1. You are beautiful, my darling, as Tirzah,
  2. Comely as Jerusalem.
  3. Awesome as bannered hosts.
  4. Turn your eyes away from me,
  5. For they overwhelm me! (Song of Songs 6:4-5).

Music like this would serenade anybody to sound sleep: So calm and soothing!

Then comes the charge; the indictment. It is like, "No! Wake up from your sleep! Why don't I see what should be naturally forthcoming from all that I have done for you?"

Here we have God wondering about the people who have been lavished with blessings.
  1. And He hoped for justice,
  2. But behold, injustice.
  3. For equity,
  4. But behold, inequity. (Isaiah 5:7).

Ascension Day in view of the ‘Rapture’

Today, June 2, 2011 is Ascension Day in accordance with church calendar and going back to the very beginnings of the church as documented in the Book of Acts. On that 40th day after His resurrection, Jesus told His disciples, “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by His own authority” (Acts 1:7). Those were part of His final words to them because “After He said this, He was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid Him from their sight” (Acts 1:9).

The faithful observe this event which falls on a Thursday and celebrated in some churches on the Sunday following. From the first century to date, the faithful have found inspiration in the Ascension, in anticipation of their own at the end of time. Indeed Jesus’ final words have at all times been a source of encouragement against anxiety about times and dates.

There has not been much anxiety by Cincinnati Christians regarding the predicted ‘rapture’ on May 21 now “postponed to October 21 as a result of miscalculations” It should not even come as a surprise that they have not been caught up in the fray especially because sound biblical traditions are ingrained in the community.

It is true that Jesus ascended to heaven on that Thursday and from that place on the Mount of Olives where a mosque stands today on the ruins of an ancient church. It is also true that Christians celebrate the Ascension as a precursor of their own final glorification.

Thank God, there are Christians in Cincinnati and all over the world who are going about making a difference each day and not waiting for a ‘rapture’.

How we treat one another is all that matters

November 20, 2011 is the Last Sunday after Pentecost and marks the end of the church year. Next Sunday – the First Sunday in Advent – is the beginning of a new church year. This Last Sunday is also known as Christ the King.

The significance of the calendar is to highlight and emphasize important themes in the life the church and its believers. Accordingly, the scripture readings for this Sunday emphasize giving account – or judgment, if you like.

In the First Reading from Ezekiel 34:11- 16, 20- 24 God is the Shepherd who cares for the flock. Verse 16 sums up the passage:“I will seek the lost, and I will bring back the strayed, and I will bind up the injured, and I will strengthen the weak, but the fat and the strong I will destroy, I will feed them with justice” (The NIV translation says, “the sleek and the strong).

God cares, especially for the weak, the oppressed, the marginalized, the bruised and the poor. These are the little people as opposed to “the sleek and strong” who, in many cases, control their livelihood. God's concern is justice, specifically how the strong treat the weak.

The Gospel Reading from Matthew 25:31- 46 also emphasizes the theme of care for others in Jesus' teaching about the Sheep and Goats. It is all about feeding, clothing or sheltering the poor, providing treatment for the sick and comforting the sorrowful. It is not about achievement or success, nor worship and piety, all of which are good.

At the end of the day the test is how we respond to our fellow human beings, especially those in need. The holiday season – also at the end of the church year – ought to provide a good examination of how we treat one another.

The people of Cincinnati are indeed exemplary in the spirit of care and concern for the less fortunate. This is a blessing and hopefully everyone will have reasons to give thanks.

In all these things we are more than conquerors

June 12, 2011 is Pentecost Sunday in the church calendar, the Greek rendition of the Jewish Shavuot or the Festival of Weeks. The significance of Pentecost for Christians is the coming of the Holy Spirit as promised by Jesus. For Jews, Shavuot was an agricultural festival (Lev.23: 15 -21). It is also believed to be the day the Torah was received as well as the day David was born and the day he died.

On that Pentecost day, the 120 Jesus followers "were all together in one place" (Acts 2: 1) traditionally the cenaculum - or the Upper Room - on Mount Zion (Acts 1: 13). There were also many pilgrims in Jerusalem observing Shavuot as mandated in Deut. 16: 16.

For Christians today, in Cincinnati, Covington and everywhere, the significance of Pentecost is the empowerment of the Spirit. Paul says in Romans 8: 9 that the believer in Christ has the Spirit.

Mighty deeds and miracles accompanied the disciples, powered by the Spirit. Paul continues to say "If God is for us, who can be against us?...trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?" (Rom. 8: 31, 35). There is power against poverty, homelessness, hunger, disease, ignorance, wars and "in all these things we are more than conquerors" through God who loves us (Rom. 8: 37).

This is tremendous consolation and inspiration for those willing and committed to combating the enemies of today's society. Over the Rhine in Cincinnati is in the news each day with murders - mostly related to drugs. Poverty and despair threaten to annihilate the youth.

Believers have every power they need to do mighty deeds and miracles in every community and neighborhood.

Power to be witnesses

Today is the last Sunday of the Easter Season as next Sunday, June 12, 2011 is Pentecost Sunday and the following Sunday – Trinity Sunday - marks the beginning of Ordinary Time. For Jesus’ disciples the time between Ascension and Pentecost was a time of anticipation but not anxiety. On that day of Ascension, Jesus promised them the coming of the Holy Spirit.

Along with the promise of the Holy Spirit was the accompanying promise of power to be Jesus’ witnesses “in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1: 8).That is the Power that has fueled Christians throughout the centuries and all over the world to continue Jesus’ ministry.

Christians everywhere have authority to rule the world – with love and grace. To that end, Christians bear witness to the Psalm reading for today: “A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy dwelling” (Ps.68: 5).

To the Christians in Cincinnati: Do the poor and needy, the disadvantaged and marginalized in Over the Rhine see this witness? How about you as an individual, in Clifton, Hyde Park, Downtown Cincinnati or anywhere, do the needy see God working in their lives through you?

The opportunities to proclaim the authority and power given by Jesus are immense in Cincinnati. There is tremendous blessing here in that the faithful are very generous, caring and compassionate. Like Christ’s disciples, miracles and wonders can accompany the faithful if we seek His power and claim the authority He has granted us.

Reformation Sunday in the light of Jesus warning to His disciples

The Gospel Reading for this Reformation Sunday is from Matthew 23: 1 -12. These are Jesus' words to his followers: "But you are not to be called rabbi for you have only one Master and you are all brothers. And do not call anyone on earth "father" for you have one Father and he is in heaven. Nor are you to be called "teacher" for you have one Teacher, the Christ" (verses 8 -10).

Jesus was warning his audience against high titles and exaltation. Indeed, in verse 12 he says: "For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted".

Interestingly, Jesus taught his followers to obey what the religious teachers taught because they carried on the Mosaic tradition, but urged them not to imitate their public behavior and religious hypocrisy.

Thesis 32 of Martin Luther's 95 Theses reads as follows: "They will be condemned eternally, together with their teachers, who believe themselves sure of their salvation because they have letters of pardon".

Think of these next three theses:

62. "The true treasure of the Church is the Most Holy Gospel of the glory and the grace of God".

63. "But this treasure is naturally odious, for it makes the first the last".

64. "On the other hand, the treasure of indulgences is naturally most acceptable for it makes the
last to be first".

In today's Gospel Reading, Jesus teaches: "For whoever exalts himself/herself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself/herself will be exalted" (verse 12).

Shalom is a result of little cups of cold water

In the First Reading for this Sunday after Pentecost the prophet Jeremiah declares: “But the prophet who prophesies peace will be recognized as one truly sent by the Lord only if his predictions come true” (Jer. 5: 9). In the Gospel Reading, Jesus says, “And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he/she is my disciple, I tell you truth, he/she will certainly not lose his/her reward” (Mt. 10: 42).

Is there any connection between giving one a cup of cold water and peace?

Shalom, which is translated as peace in English is more inclusive in its Hebrew meaning that simply peace. It includes well-being or welfare, health, wholeness, completeness, tranquility, prosperity, harmony or lack of contention, rest, safety or soundness.

That is what Jesus summarizes in the four words: cup of cold water.

Cincinnati is a caring community, in many ways. Through faith-based organizations like City Gospel Mission, and even businesses and private organizations, many people give their time, talent and treasure to provide a cup of cold water to the needy and in so doing they advance Shalom in society as a whole.

The turmoil and bloodshed in North Africa and the Arab world are vocal and violent expressions of the yearning for Shalom and a cup of cold water. Similar expressions are vivid everywhere around the globe where the needy and weak are denied that cup of cold water.

There is much to be thankful for in Cincinnati. A cup of cold water is not much to give but the blessings that come out of it are tremendous. Let none in this great community slacken in working for that wonderful state of Shalom.

A Spiritual Awakening

What really constitutes a Spiritual Awakening? In a meditation on Romans 12:2 in the Recovery Devotional Bible (NIV) J. Keith Miller notes that some people experience a Spiritual Awakening in an instant when they become aware of the presence of God. For others this may be "in retrospect" when they realize such an awakening has taken place.

During this year's Holy Week observances, I published an article in with the title: "Seeing the Cross as a sign of God's love". In his sermon on Good Friday, Bishop Breidenthal of the Southern Ohio diocese of the Episcopal Church stressed that despite common belief, which associates Jesus' death on the cross with sin and punishment - the doctrine of atonement - the Cross is about God's relentless love, which won't let us go.

I did not quite grasp the full meaning of the sermon.

A few days ago two young men in the Exodus Program asked me to teach them New Testament Greek. I would say that I was skeptical of New Testament Greek in the Exodus Program but then I recalled my own regrets at missed chances in my youth when I could have learned earlier, some of the things I am learning now.

In preparing for the introductory lesson I reflected on the Aorist Tense used almost 60% of times in the New Testament Greek. Having no clear parallel in English, the tense is often rendered as Past Tense which is not what it is in Greek.

The Aorist Tense can and does refer to an action in the past, but it also conveys a perspective of continuing or not ended. In fact Aoristos means indefinite.

As an example, most English bible translations render John 3: 16 as follows: "For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life".

The Aorist Tense in this sentence stresses the fact that God continues to love the world, God continues to open His hands to whoever would believe in His Son. I was able to see more clearly the Cross as the symbol of God's continual and persistent love. I could see God who does not stop pursuing us, God who does not give up.

There it was: My Spiritual Awakening coming in ways I could not have imagined.

The dead dry bones can live again

It is not uncommon to hear people in Cincinnati say – regarding the Over the Rhine district, or homeless people – “I don’t think there is anything anyone can do to change the situation”. Perhaps you are saying the same thing about a loved one, a son or daughter, father or mother, a relative or friend who you regard to have crossed the point of no-return. Have you given up hope?

On this Fifth Sunday in Lent, all the scripture readings point to the opposite direction. In the famous prophecy of the Valley of Dry Bones, God says:

  1. I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life. I will attach tendons to you and make flesh come upon you and cover you with skin; I will put breath in you, and you will come to life” (Ezek.37:5 -6)

Even the most hopeless situation can be turned around because where hope abounds, redemption is available. Today’s psalm – Psalm 130 – says:

  1. I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in the Lord’s word I put my hope…Put your hope in the Lord, for with the Lord is unfailing love and with the Lord is full redemption” (vv.5- 7).

In the Gospel reading Martha says to Jesus,

  1. “…by this time there is a bad odor, for he has been there four days” (John 11:39).

Despite the long time that Lazarus had been dead, he was raised to life.

For the thousands out there devoted to helping others overcome adversities, do not give up but hold on to the hope that got you started in the first place. The dead dry bones can live again; it is not in vain.

There is joy even in Lent

For the faithful in Cincinnati and around the globe who observe a liturgical calendar, this Sunday, April 3, 2011, the Fourth Sunday in Lent, will be different from the other Sundays, with a departure from the mournful to a joyous celebration in worship.

The entrance antiphon is from the Prophet Isaiah:

  1. "Rejoice with Jerusalem and be glad for her,
  2. All you who love her!
  3. Join in her jubilation,
  4. All you who mourned over her -" (Isa. 66:10).

"Rejoice with Jerusalem" translates to "Laetare Jerusalem” and so it is Laetare Sunday.

It is also called "Rose Sunday" because of the tradition of blessing and carrying a rose flower in procession to symbolize the season of spring, a season of rebirth and renewal, both literally and metaphorically.

There is yet another name: "Sunday of the Five Loaves" in memory of the feeding of the multitude as a precursor of the eternal celebration in the Kingdom of God. In Eastern Christianity too, this whole week is mid-fast, or "Mesonestios".

Fasting (and mourning) is not an end in itself. In the first reading God asks Samuel, "How long will you grieve (mourn) over Saul...Fill your horn with oil and set out..."(1Sam.16:1ff). David too had to quit fasting, "rose from the ground..bathed and anointed himself, and...changed his clothes" (2Sam.12:20).

This Sunday we look ahead to the new life of renewal in the Resurrection.

Indeed, even the Psalm for this Sunday is full of expectation, hope and trust – everything one needs for joy. Just sit back, read and meditate on Psalm 23. “Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever” (v.6).

Sunday July 31, 2011 (Sunday in Ordinary Time)

The Lord has compassion for all

The Lord is gracious and compassionate; slow to anger and rich in love. The Lord is good to all; He has compassion on all He has made….The Lord is righteous in all His ways and loving toward all He has made” (Ps.145: 8 -9, 17).

These words are part of the Psalm reading for this Sunday.

Here in the United States lawmakers have been engaged in lengthy debates trying to find a compromise on raising the nation’s borrowing limit and avoiding a credit rating downgrade. It is believed that failure to accomplish the two goals will have “catastrophic” consequences.

In other parts of the world, catastrophic events are unfolding daily. In parts of East Africa, for example, more than 12 million people including 2 million children are facing starvation according to the UNICEF and Samaritan’s Purse.

Appreciating what one has leads to right perspective and therefore right actions. The AI systems thinking initiatives in Cincinnati provide the framework for right perspective and right actions.

In a recent interview in Axiom News the writer commented that poverty and deprivation in Cincinnati and the rest of the country are issues of social justice. Today’s words from Psalms show a God who is compassionate, loving, caring and righteous to everyone.

The Gospel Reading from Matthew 14: 13 -21 shows Jesus having compassion for the people.

There are varieties of services and one Lord

The Second Reading for this day of Pentecost is 1Cor. 12: 3b -13, a passage that emphasizes the workings of the Spirit: "Varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit;...varieties of services, but the same Lord;...varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone".

Paul begins by pointing out that nobody can truly confess Jesus Christ without being so empowered by the Holy Spirit. This confirms the point made in the previous article that all who believe in Jesus Christ have the Holy Spirit. Because they have the Holy Spirit, they also have gifts of the Spirit.

Some Christians do not bother to put the gift they have been given to service - which is why it is given in the first place. Some do not even know that they have a gift. Still others have neither joy nor peace because they try to imitate or copy others' gifts. Some are even misled into believing that one gift is paramount among the gifts and must be possessed by everyone.

Diversity is one of Cincinnati's many assets - or blessings. Consequently, Cincinnati is sure to be a reservoir of different spiritual and intellectual gifts.

Imagine a body with its parts - limbs, eyes, ears, heart, lungs, kidneys - all working together for the common good. That is what is called a healthy body, a healthy life.

It is possible for Cincinnati to be a healthy community if Christians and all people of faith discover their gifts and put them to service for the good of the whole community. This day of Pentecost is a perfect time to begin such a discovery and let the Holy Spirit work miracles in this beautiful city.

Value above all what you already have

On the northern shores of the Kinneret (the Sea of Galilee) at Tabgha stands a beautiful church that is built on the foundations of an ancient church. The well-preserved mosaic floor of the ancient church depicts five loaves and two fish.

The Gospel Reading for Sunday July 31 recounts the familiar and popular miracle when Jesus fed more than 5,000 people there with five loaves of bread and two fish.

Jesus' disciples were overwhelmed by the magnitude of the need. "Send them away", they told Jesus. "You give them something to eat", Jesus responded (Mtt.14: 15 -16). While it appeared to the disciples to be an impossible situation, Jesus looked at the resources they had.

This story is yet another way of looking at the Appreciative Inquiry systems thinking endeavor that is underway in Cincinnati. There are five loaves of bread and two fishes here and there. These are the assets that will produce miracles.

On Friday July 29, the Cincinnati/Hamilton County Continuum of Care for the Homeless offered a 2 credit hour course on "Health Issues Among the Homeless". It was free and offered valuable information on simple preventive lifestyle practices that can enhance the well being of everyone in the community.

It turns out, there are many similar opportunities available throughout the community all year round. Instead of an attitude of "send them away" we can harness the assets that we have to transform the community into what we desire it to be.

When is the Day of the Lord?

The church calendar is approaching its final season when the Advent Season ushers in the new church year. The scripture readings for this Sunday November 13, 2011 stress the approaching “Day of the Lord” (Zeph.1:7,12 -18), calling us to “count the number of our days” (Ps.90:1-12), not to be asleep but awake and sober and to go about our business not to simply sit waiting for that day (1Thess. 5:1-11).

The Gospel reading from Matthew 25: 14 -30 is a good lesson on how to live knowing that the Day of the Lord could unfold any moment.

Everyone is gifted in some way. Whatever abilities and gifts one may have, they are God-given. Furthermore, they are God-given to be used. That is what Zephaniah calls for in anticipation of the Day of the Lord. There is a call to tear down injustices.

Today's society, everywhere, is being tested more and more, especially economically. The banking crisis in Europe has parallels in the economic uncertainties here – and the resultant Occupy Wall Street, or Occupy City Hall movements – and the Arab Spring Uprising still raging on. All these are calls for justice as we await the Day of the Lord.

In Jesus' parable, the one servant who was given one talent decided to bury it in the ground until the return of his master. This is similar to inaction or thinking there is not much that can be accomplished.

Our call as the Day of the Lord approaches is to be involved, particularly in alleviating the suffering of God's people; fighting for justice, seeing Christ in the least in society.

The call this Sunday is to live fully prepared – having done all we are called to do – as if our Master is returning today. Blessed are those who will not be found unprepared.

Do You see God's Manifestation?

The lessons for this Sunday, January 15, 2012 (Second Sunday after Epiphany) – at least for those churches that are following Year B of the Lectionary (Catholic, Episcopal and Lutheran) come from 1 Samuel 3:1-10 (11-20), Psalm 139:1-5,12-17; 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 and John 1:43-51.

In the First Reading, God calls young Samuel three times, “Samuel! Samuel!” and each time Samuel thinks that it was Eli the priest calling him. At the third time, Eli tells Samuel that it was God calling and what he needed was to respond, “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening”.

The psalm is an account of the intimate knowledge that God has of each one of us. “Lord, you have searched me out and know me”, says the psalmist, “you know my sitting down and my rising up, you discern my thoughts from afar”.

In the Gospel Reading Jesus calls Philip who in turn invites Nathanael. When Jesus remarks that Nathanael is a true Israelite without deceit, the latter wonders how he could have known that. Again, Jesus shows Nathanael that he knew him even before Philip invited him to come to Jesus.

What message does one get from these lessons? This was a question that a men's Bible Study group at Christ Church Cathedral sought to answer. Obviously there are different ways of looking at the Readings.

This is the Second Sunday after Epiphany which means “manifestation”. One can see that God is manifest in many ways. The question then is, as in the case of Samuel, do we recognize God's manifestation?

Nathanael could not figure out how anything worthwhile could come from Galilee where no prophet had come before. Yet, even in those unlikely places and circumstances, God is manifest.

How we treat one another is all that matters

November 20, 2011 is the Last Sunday after Pentecost and marks the end of the church year. Next Sunday – the First Sunday in Advent – is the beginning of a new church year. This Last Sunday is also known as Christ the King.

The significance of the calendar is to highlight and emphasize important themes in the life the church and its believers. Accordingly, the scripture readings for this Sunday emphasize giving account – or judgment, if you like.

In the First Reading from Ezekiel 34:11- 16, 20- 24 God is the Shepherd who cares for the flock. Verse 16 sums up the passage:“I will seek the lost, and I will bring back the strayed, and I will bind up the injured, and I will strengthen the weak, but the fat and the strong I will destroy, I will feed them with justice” (The NIV translation says, “the sleek and the strong).

God cares, especially for the weak, the oppressed, the marginalized, the bruised and the poor. These are the little people as opposed to “the sleek and strong” who, in many cases, control their livelihood. God's concern is justice, specifically how the strong treat the weak.

The Gospel Reading from Matthew 25:31- 46 also emphasizes the theme of care for others in Jesus' teaching about the Sheep and Goats. It is all about feeding, clothing or sheltering the poor, providing treatment for the sick and comforting the sorrowful. It is not about achievement or success, nor worship and piety, all of which are good.

At the end of the day the test is how we respond to our fellow human beings, especially those in need. The holiday season – also at the end of the church year – ought to provide a good examination of how we treat one another.

The people of Cincinnati are indeed exemplary in the spirit of care and concern for the less fortunate. This is a blessing and hopefully everyone will have reasons to give thanks.

God is more than the “personal” deity of our making

The First Reading for this Third Sunday after Epiphany comes from Jonah 3:1 -5,10. The whole story of Jonah is quite fascinating and challenging – that could be one of the reasons it has attracted the attention of painters, sculptors and children's stories illustrationists like no other story – except perhaps Judith.

The big story about Jonah is God of Israel reaching out to Gentiles. It is unique in the Hebrew Bible that God shows as much concern for the Gentiles as for the Jewish people.

Precisely because of the unthinkable idea that God would care for the people of Nineveh – the heart of Gentile territory – Jonah tried to escape the task of being the harbinger of God's mercy and compassion. Instead of heading east to Nineveh as commanded, he sought to escape west to Tarshish.

Nevertheless, God's plans cannot be thwarted by human manipulation. Jonah found himself in a whale's belly and eventually in Nineveh. To his disappointment, the Gentiles of Nineveh repented and God spared them destruction.

Some Christians are sometimes tempted to think – most times, unaware – that God is such a personal God that “outsiders” are of no concern to Him.

There is no doubt that Cincinnati is home to one of the most caring communities anywhere. People of different faiths pour out their love and compassion to those in need. It is difficult, from the outside, to suspect any convictions of reaching out to those who “belong” only.

Today's lesson should encourage any who are limited to parochial sympathies to see God's larger vision for every one of His creation.

Spontaneity is very enriching in Bible Study groups

There is a men's Bible Study group in one church in Cincinnati that meets once a week to exchange ideas about the scripture readings for the following Sunday – and of course any other things they choose to discuss. This is possible in churches that follow lectionary lessons, for example the Catholic, Lutheran, Episcopal and some Methodist congregations.

In this particular group, they read the lessons, discuss any ideas that come out of the reading and then try to guess – if you like – what the sermon on Sunday will be like. First, they ask one another what message they get from the lessons. Then they try to figure out what the pastor will preach about on Sunday. In other words, they put themselves in the pastor's shoes.

However the pastor applies the readings during the sermon – sometimes their guess is inexact, and other times, it is in perfect agreement with the pastor's message – those in the bible study group always experience a deeper connection with the scriptures.

Some bible study groups meet in the morning before service and discuss the pastor's notes for the sermon. Yet others meet after the service and discuss the sermon. Both of these lack spontaneity where the scripture speaks to the group first.

Think about this Sunday's lessons: January 29 is the Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany. The First Reading is Deuteronomy 18: 15- 20; then Psalm 111. The Second Reading is 1 Corinthians 8: 1 -13; the Gospel is Mark 1: 21 -28.

How does this scripture touch you? Remember, the Word meets you where you are.

The Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany

The last article suggested that a spontaneous discussion of the Sunday lessons in a bible study group without notes or the sermon from the pastor can prove to be very enriching. Indeed that is the experience of the group that meets at Christ Church Cathedral in downtown Cincinnati, every Thursday morning. It needs to be pointed out here that this particular group is ecumenical, with participants from different denominations and traditions and ethnically diverse too.

The lessons for this Sunday, January, 29 – The Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany – are from Deuteronomy 18: 15- 20; Psalm 111; 1 Corinthians 8:1- 13 and Mark 1:21 -28.

In the First Reading from Deuteronomy, God tells Moses, “I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their own people; I will put my words in the mouth of the prophet, who shall speak to them everything that I command”.

Not a foreigner, but a fellow Israelite, will continue Moses' mission.

In the Gospel Reading from Mark, Jesus appears with command and authority not witnessed in anyone else before. The crowd is amazed and wonders: “What is this? A new teaching...with authority! He commands even the unclean spirits, and they obey him”.

This echoes Deuteronomy. Indeed many Christian traditions see Deuteronomy 18:15 -20 as a messianic promise. The Word of God makes things happen; it accomplishes wonders; it achieves the impossible.

Psalm 111 shows God's attributes of caring for His people, righteousness, majesty and splendor, marvelous works, graciousness, compassion, faithfulness, mercy and justice. Indeed what God told Moses in the First Reading is expounded – if you like – in Psalm 111.

Share what this Sunday's lessons reveal to you with someone. See what God is saying to you in these scriptures.

How do you experience the Almighty God today?

In the Second Reading for this Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany, Paul says: "If I proclaim the gospel, this gives me no ground for boasting, for an obligation is laid on me, and woe to me if I do not proclaim the gospel!" (1 Cor.9:16). Elsewhere, Paul proclaims that the gospel is the power of God (Rom. 1:16).

Actually, the word power, in the original language is dunamis from which the word dynamite comes. Thus the gospel, which the power of God, is indeed like dynamite. It can achieve what would otherwise be considered impossible.

The Gospel Reading from Mark 1:29- 39 shows Jesus' ministry in Galilee. "That evening, at sundown, they brought to him all who were sick or possessed with demons...And he cured many who were sick with various diseases, and cast out many demons..."

This is the power of God in the midst of every kind of affliction, demon-possession and strong-holds. Jesus also declares his intention to "go on to the neighboring towns, so that (he) may proclaim the message there also; for that is what (he) came out to do".

Jesus - the center of the Gospel - is there as the power of God bringing wholeness to the sick and afflicted - in every manner possible.

The community of Greater Cincinnati - like the towns and villages of Galilee - needs healing and restoration to wholeness. The power of God to achieve healing and restoration is in the midst of the community.

God was able to bring back his people from exile and restore them. He is able to do likewise in every community today.

Are we not all lepers needing healing?

The First Reading for this Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany is the story of Naaman, commander of the Aramean army, favored by his king for his military victories. The whole story is found in 2 Kings 5:1 -14.

One thing, however, was very wrong with this man of military decorations. He was a leper.

Leprosy was not only a physical condition of sores and boils – ugly to look at, let alone to be so afflicted – it also resulted in social isolation. Naaman could accomplish many military victories but his leprosy would always overshadow all victories.

To be cured of the leprosy, Naaman was instructed by the prophet Elisha to dip himself in the River Jordan. It did not make much sense in human reasoning. Naaman expected Elisha, the man of God, to do something miraculous, or at least to touch him or bless him. Why did he have to come all the way from Syria where there were big rivers, only to be told – by a servant – to dip in a creek? And to do so, not once but seven times!

In this story, Naaman is not even an Israelite; yet God's mercy and healing power reach him.

Elisha is truly “a man of God” and his ministry reaches even those outside “the people of God”.

God's healing power works in ways that are beyond human reasoning and understanding. There are times when people have framed ways in which God should operate. Perhaps it is dogma, church law or even formulas which need to be followed.

Yet, God touches us, heals His people, and does so in ways beyond human expectations. The Gospel Reading continues with the same emphasis.

Are there any lepers in the community?

The Gospel Reading is also a story of a leper who kneels before Jesus with this request: “If you choose, you can make me clean”. Moved with compassion, “Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him, and said to him, 'I do choose. Be made clean”. (Mark 1:40 -45).

In the previous story about Naaman we saw that leprosy was a social stigma. It was cause for ostracism by society and any achievements in life were overshadowed by the stigma.

Probably after reading the previous piece some are protesting the notion that we all might be lepers. Not when we are so much perfect members of society. How could we be lepers? After all lepers had their own restricted areas, if you wish, where they could not contaminate the “clean” society.


Can we as equally strongly protest that there are no lepers in our society today​? Are there neighborhoods in Cincinnati where only certain types of people should reside, where the rest of the “clean” segment of society can be protected from contamination?

One can think of Over the Rhine, for example, or Walnut Hills!

Are these areas that many in Cincinnati would feel uncomfortable to rub shoulders with the residents there? Are there not some in Cincinnati who would suspect they would be mugged or robbed if they stepped into these or similar neighborhoods?

God embraced Naaman through the ministry of Elisha, the “man of God”. Jesus embraced the leper with compassion and healing. That is exactly what people of God ought to do in every community.

We are conquerors because of God's everlasting covenant

The Scripture Readings for Sunday, February 26, The First Sunday in Lent, come from Genesis 9: 8 -17; 1 Peter 3: 18 -22; and Mark 1: 9 -15.

In the First Reading, God establishes the first explicit covenant; and it is with all creation. This comes after the Flood and God promises that there will never be another Flood that destroys the earth and its inhabitants. The rainbow becomes a sign of the covenant – even for God to see and remember!

Peter, in the Epistle Reading mentions the lack of repentance for those of Noah's generation, declaring that Jesus' death and resurrection was for all sins, once and for all. Noah and his descendants went through the waters of the flood and emerged into God's new everlasting covenant.

For Peter, through the waters of baptism, God establishes an everlasting covenant of salvation through Jesus Christ. Indeed, Lent is a season of preparing candidates for baptism during the Great Easter Vigil.

It is important to note also, that after his baptism, Jesus was tempted in the wilderness.

For Christians, Lent is a time to be mindful of life's trials – our own and those of others. It is the continuation of the journey begun on Ash Wednesday when we reflect on our common mortal humanity; that we are bound together and with all of creation.

Even as we are mindful of life's trials, we are also strengthened by the promise of victory in Jesus Christ. Lent points forward to Easter.

For everyone in Cincinnati, and everywhere, Lent should bring us closer to one another in awareness of our common destiny and assurance of victory in Jesus Christ. This Sunday's scripture readings strengthen us in being mindful of those among us who are in any kind of trials and suffering.

Being perfect is not a prerequisite of accomplishment

The church has traditionally observed June 29 as the Feast Day of Saints Peter and Paul; both believed to have been martyred on the same day in 67 CE. Peter was crucified while Paul, being a Roman citizen, was slain by a sword.

The two are the best-known and revered by the church, and for good reasons. It is known too, that the two did not quite get along at first. Individually too, they have a lot against them. Paul – when he was Saul – was the greatest enemy of the first Christians.

Peter was the only disciple to have pulled Jesus aside and rebuke Him (Mt. 16: 22). He resorted to violence when Jesus was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane (Mk. 14:47) and later in the High Priest’s courtyard, he three times denied knowing Jesus (Lk. 22:54 –62).

How is it possible that the universal church, as it stands today, began with the ministry of these two ordinary and even imperfect individuals – one to the Jews and the other to the Gentiles?

There are some people in Cincinnati who think poverty and homelessness are problems beyond their ability. May be there are some family issues that someone considers far too complex to deal with.

Many people think they are not qualified; or they have too many weaknesses, or even that they are imperfect. What can be learned on this Feast of Saints Peter and Paul is that one does not have to be perfect to accomplish great deeds. Willingness to be of service is all that matters.

Emperor Justinian's lasting legacy to Christianity

Previous articles have looked at the Christological discussions and developments that dominated the early church and especially the first 500 years of Christianity. Emperor Justinian who died on November 14, 565 is considered one of the most important rulers of Late Antiquity, with crucial influence in Christianity, even to this day. He won major military victories which also facilitated the spread of Christianity. Christian history sees Pax Romana as a divine instrument.

Well educated in Roman history, theology and law, Justinian became a promoter of Orthodoxy. In 529 he put the Academy in Athens under state control. Famous for having being founded by Plato, the academy was the training school for Hellenism – the intellectual form of paganism that dominated the Greco-Roman world.

He banned the worship of Ammon in Libya and Isis in Egypt. He legally proclaimed the belief in the Trinity and Incarnation. Furthermore, he gave the four Ecumenical Councils legal status and convened the Fifth Ecumenical Council in 553. In all his endeavors, he tried, unsuccessfully, unfortunately, to unite the Chalcedonian and the non-Chalcedonian Christians.

Under Justinian's direction, 90 new churches were built, the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople and St. Catherine monastery in Sinai, among the most magnificent. He also promoted education for the clergy and monks, emphasizing rhetoric, theology and philosophy.

Perhaps the greatest achievement of Justinian is the Corpus Juris Civilis which includes the basis of canon law, or ecclesia vivit lege romana (the church lives under Roman law).

There is no doubt that Justinian saw himself as a new Constantine. His vision was of a Christian empire, united religiously, politically and economically, and under one Christian Emperor.

The modern world obviously reeks at any idea of a state and religion united – and for good reasons – but Justinian's time was different from today.

How are they to hear without someone to proclaim the message?

The exact biblical verse reads: “But how are they to call on one in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in one of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone to proclaim him?” (Rom.10: 14).

The puzzle applies equally to the poor and homeless in their predicament and society’s desire to see them win over their circumstances.

Cincinnati’s City Gospel Mission emphasizes a relational approach in helping the afflicted out of misery. There is a false notion in every society that the poor can simply shake off their poverty if they so choose and if they don’t it is their fault.

Think of Saint Irenaeus who is commemorated today, June 28.

He served the Lord for 80 years, the latter part of his life as the second Bishop of Lyons where he vigorously combated Gnosticism and other “heresies”, transforming the province into a dynamic, thriving, Christian community. (It is like combating societal systems in Over the Rhine, today).

Irenaeus shepherded his flock with his life as a model. He too was a protégé of another Christian saint, Polycarp, most remembered by his response to the proconsul before his execution: “Eighty and six years have I served him, and he never once wronged me; how then shall I blaspheme my King, who has saved me?”

How did Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna, become the person revered to this day? He was a protégé of Saint John the Apostle.

Without the Apostle John, there would have been no Polycarp, without who there would not have been a day of remembrance for Irenaeus.

This is the model that City Gospel Mission and its volunteers emulate to help change lives and transform the Over the Rhine community.

Remembering William Tyndale

During his visit to his homeland last week, Pope Benedict XVI visited the Augustinian Priory at Erfut where Martin Luther resided as a priest and monk, and today is an ecumenical center. There had been some high expectations that his visit there would advance ecumenism and unity within the church body.

He dashed those hopes when he emphasized that there would be no unity without recognition of the supremacy of the bishop of Rome (the pope). It sounds like the pre-Vatican II position of "no salvation outside the (Roman Catholic) church".

On October 6, 1536, William Tyndale, an English reformer was strangled to death after being hunted down around Europe. As if that was not death enough, his body was burned at the stake! His crime? Translating and publishing the New Testament in English, in defiance of the church.

Last Friday, September 30, was a remembrance for St.Jerome who died on September 30, 420 in Bethlehem where he translated the bible into Latin - the Vulgate. Unlike Tyndale, he was canonized.

Because of reformers like Tyndale and Martin Luther who defied the ordinances of one man, today the bible is the all-time best seller and is found in millions of homes, in hotel suites, hospitals and many public places.

After these many years, one wonders: Does the church ever learn from its mistakes?

A few years ago, some nuns in the U.S. publicly voiced opinions about the role of women in the church. In response, the Vatican initiated an Apostolic Investigation of the Women Religious. The aim? Silence and compliance of all the faithful outside the hierarchy.

The church, and religion in general, have borne the blame for grievous errors made by hierarchies "on behalf of the faithful" but without the latter's input. And in some measure the faithful have been complicit.

Perhaps, remembering William Tyndale will inspire courageous men and women to question church hierarchies for the good and health of the church body.

Spirituality transcends all forms of boundaries

During the cold war when the east was separated from the west ideologically and even physically too, the World Council of Churches provided a forum of dialogue between the two sides. This was possible because spirituality binds all creation into one.

Even before the cold war and the establishment of the World Council of Churches on August 23, 1948, its predecessor bodies - the International Missionary Council, the Commission of the Churches on International Affairs, and the Ecumenical Institute - were involved internationally, in social ministries, relief services for refugees, migrants and the poor.

The World Council of Churches is a "fellowship of churches which accept our Lord Jesus Christ as God and Savior". That is what binds the 349 member mostly Protestant and Orthodox churches together. The bond gives them strength to transcend boundaries they would not overcome alone.

There are certainly some differences on doctrinal matters involving theology, sacraments, ordinances, ministry and so forth. Nevertheless, the member churches are one in proclaiming the lordship of Jesus Christ.

That is the singleness of mind that goes beyond differences in the individual members. In Romans 12:16 Paul urges his audience to be of one mind in their endeavors. There is no better advice for the people of Cincinnati in the task of creating a better community for everyone.

Whether it is Agenda 360, Vision 2015, or Appreciative Inquiry systems thinking and design, they are all expressions of the common endeavor. The spiritual passion that comes into these tasks is a force that can move mountains

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St. Benedict's influence of Western Christianity is still significant today
It is for good reasons that the Middle Ages are also known as the "Benedictine centuries". The final years of the Dark Ages and the emergence of the Middle Ages were depressing following the fall of the Roman Empire. Military incursions were rampant and people were burdened - physically, materially and spiritually - by wars. It was a time of moral decline and schism in the church.
St. Benedict's hermitic and monastic life was not an attempt to withdraw from the world around him. On the contrary, he desired a life away from the busy city while connecting with the community around. Indeed, the shift from hermitic to community life is one of the greatest contributions of St. Benedict.
The Rule of St. Benedict, with its emphasis on how to live a Christocentric life is a spiritual model for every Christian. Its emphasis on obedience and humility is not only a Christian virtue, but is also the requirement for Jesus' followers.
St. Paul reminds believers that they are called "to the obedience that comes from faith" (Rom. 1: 5) and that "obedience leads to righteousness" (Rom. 6: 16).
On this day of St. Benedict, there is much that the Christian community in Cincinnati can reflect on, cherish and even advance to an even higher level.
First, there is the sense of community for which Cincinnati is exemplary. Indeed, this transcends the Christian community and includes the Jewish, Asian and business communities. The second is the model of moderation and charity, in spirit and in action, which is also a Cincinnati asset. 
From these models it is possible to begin seeing every aspect of work as God's work - Opus Dei - as St. Benedict did.
The socio-political climate today is reminiscent of St. Benedict's days. Nevertheless, there is no reason for despair. There are guides and models for communities to sustain hope and purpose.

The development of Christology and ecumenical councils

It was pointed out in the last article that the Apostles Creed and the more detailed Nicene and Athanasian Creeds were statements of faith intended to respond to issues of Christology in the Early Church. Those issues prompted the convention of the councils.

Four ecumenical councils were convened in the first 500 years of the Christian era – all of them actually in the latter half.

Arianism, the doctrine propounded by Arius, was possibly the biggest challenge. The doctrine denied the divine nature of Christ. Instead it taught that Jesus was the highest created being, reminiscent of “John the Baptist…Elijah…Jeremiah, or one of the prophets” (Mt. 16:14).

The Council of Nicaea was convened in 325 and endorsed a doctrine of Christology that countered Arianism and promulgated the Nicene Creed. In 381 the First Council of Constantinople was convened and affirmed the doctrine of the Council of Nicaea.

There followed the Council of Ephesus in 431, which reaffirmed the teachings of the preceding councils. The fourth and last ecumenical council (according to Lutheran and Anglican tradition) was the Council of Chalcedon (October 8 to November 1, 451.

In addition to Arianism, there was also the Monophysite theology, which rejected Jesus’ human nature. Today this is the theology of Coptic and Syrian Christians. There was, too, Docetism, which taught that Jesus’ humanity was only apparent, like a phantom, but not real. Even his crucifixion and death were staged but not real.

In the second century Ignatius of Antioch was in the front line in opposing Docetism and Gnosticism in general.

You have probably come across some groups that hold doctrines resembling the above. Indeed, orthodoxy itself faces challenges as “free thinking” questions the legitimacy of “orthodoxy”. Yet, the challenges go back to the very beginning of Christianity

The Holy Week brings Christians together more than generally realized.

Greater Cincinnati's landscape is dotted with churches. In old neighborhoods like Over the Rhine, Walnut Hills or Price Hill church spires soar high into the sky. The first European immigrants who brought European Christianity to the new lands built some, if not most, of these churches.

On the other extreme are some newer churches that adhere to various doctrines ranging from non-denominational to Pentecostal and everything in between. On many street corners are some small church buildings that were once liquor stores or bars. One major intersection in Florence - US 42 and Main Street - has four or five churches around it.

There is something quite inspirational in this entire quest for spiritual experience.

The significance of the Holy Week for every Christian of any creed and doctrine is the Resurrection of Christ, which took place "on the first day of the week" (Matt.28:1; Mk.16:2; Lk.24:1; John 20:1). The first day of the week, or Yom rishon in Hebrew, is Sunday. The Gospels give an account of Jesus suffering, or passion, leading to the Crucifixion in that final week.

This is the motif of the Holy Week and no Christian disputes that. It is the basis of every Christian's hope and without it there would be no Christianity. It is what binds Christians together.

Yet, during this Holy Week too much controversy among some Christians, supported by Atheists and non-believers, takes precedence regarding the origins and background of Easter to the point of diluting the central motif. It has often been remarked that some within the Christian fold seek to be identified by what they disagree with.

We should note too that Christianity was not meant to remain in Galilee or Jerusalem. It is a transforming power and in its spread it has transformed cultures, customs and people for a better relationship with God.

Let us join together in celebrating the gift of salvation, which is commemorated in the Holy Week.

The quest for Christology

It is common practice in most churches of Western Christianity – particularly, Roman Catholic, Lutheran and Episcopal – to confess the Nicene or Apostles Creed during worship services – typically before beginning the liturgy for Holy Communion. On some occasions too, the Athanasian Creed may be recited.

St. Paul wrote as follows to the church in Rome: “If you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved” (Rom. 10:9). Nevertheless, the Early Church formulated the creeds in response to issues related to Christology and not necessarily Paul’s teaching.

It was at Banias, or Caesarea Philippi, that Jesus asked his disciples, a) “what do people say the Son of Man is” and b) “what do you say that I am?” (Matt. 16: 13 –15).

For Christians, Jesus is not just a good and gifted person who performed miracles, healed and raised people from the dead, a kind of “John the Baptist…Elijah…Jeremiah, or one of the prophets” (Mtt.16: 14). The question of the person of Jesus Christ has been at the center of conflicting Christology’s, between “orthodoxy” and “heresy” (which is which depended on the winner).

The version of the Apostles Creed confessed in churches today first appeared intact in Latin in St. Pirminius De singulis libris canonicis scarapsus (Concerning the single canonical book Scarapsus). It was written between 710 and 724 by the monk Pirmin who used it for instruction to newly baptized believers.

The Apostles Creed has remained the statement of faith for Western Christianity, its Christology defining who is true or quasi Christian. However, 400 years before St. Pirminius Latin text of the creed appeared, the Council of Nicaea had formulated the Nicene Creed in 325

Similarity is not an attribute of the church

On January 25, the church commemorates the Conversion of St. Paul.

In his defense before King Agrippa in Acts 26 Paul recounts his earlier life in Judaism. “According to the strictest sect of my religion, I lived as a Pharisee” (Acts 26:5). Writing to the church in Galatia, he noted: “I was advancing in Judaism beyond many Jews of my own age and was extremely zealous for the traditions of my fathers” (Gal.1:14).

That was Paul before that miracle on the way to Damascus. Not only was he a staunch advocate and strict observer of orthodoxy, he also expected everyone to be like him. He firmly believed that those who were not like him deserved death.

From his testimony, letters and many other accounts, there is no doubt that Paul was very well educated; he was a brilliant mind and could articulate ideas, and he was an excellent debater.

By contrast, Peter, whose one of the many commemorations was exactly a week ago on January 18, was an ordinary mind – may be even less than ordinary! He is best known for denying Jesus not long after declaring he would die with him. He tried to walk on water after Jesus but lacked the courage and confidence for it. He wanted to remain on top of Mount Tabor (The Mount of Transfiguration) surrounded by glory rather than going down the mountain to the daily call of discipleship.

These two giants of the church – and hence the commemorations – are a lesson into the journey of the church here on earth. That God could use such different – even opposite – figures to advance the Kingdom of Heaven ought to be a humbling lesson to the church today.

What did the Council of Trent achieve?

While supporters of the Protestant Reformation might have felt that the Council of Trent lost a unique opportunity for reconciliation – after all it dragged on for 18 years! - those on the opposite side may have achieved their purpose.

First, the council became, indeed, Counter-Reformation. Before its convention, in 1540, Pope Paul III recognized a new religious order of intellectuals – the Society of Jesus, or Jesuits, - whose objective was to counter the claims of the Reformation. In 1541 it appeared as though reconciliation was possible when the Diet of Regensberg produced a statement of agreement on the issue of justification.

The Catholic side was represented by Cardinal Contarini and on the Protestant side were Martin Bucer, Philip Melanchton and John Calvin. The agreement did not go far beyond the Diet of Regensberg. It was repudiated and even Cardinal Contarini accused of heresy.

Indeed, all the demands by the Protestants for sola scriptura, solus Christus, sola fide – meaning the authority of scripture alone, Christ only, by faith only – were rejected by the end of the first session (1545 -1547). Not only that, but the doctrine of magisterium – interpretation of scripture by the church only – was proclaimed.

Clearly these were measures to respond to the Protestant Reformation, and to do so by reaffirming even more strongly what the reformers questioned. At the end of the third session (1562 -1563) the hardline position was sealed with the proclamation of the pope as Vicar of Christ.

Thus supreme authority in the church would reside not in councils but in the papacy, contrary to the expectations of some of those who pushed for the Council in the first place.

This is an example of what needs to be juxtaposed with the “phantom heresy” of Americanism in the coming piece.

The Lenten journey with Church Fathers

In this season of Lent, we can also draw inspiration from some of the Church Fathers whose lives, persecution and even martyrdom serve as a model for Jesus' followers. The Gospel Reading for this Sunday, The First Sunday in Lent, shows Jesus being driven by the Spirit “out into the wilderness” where he was tempted by Satan for forty days. (Forty days could be figurative for a period very much longer).

One such Church Father is Polycarp, bishop of Smyrna – modern Izmir, in Turkey – who is believed to have been martyred on February 23, 156 at the age of 86. He was, in addition, a disciple of John the Apostle and a prominent leader of the churches of Asia Minor.

Furthermore, he wrote many letters, the best known and preserved being his Letter to the Philippians. In it he wrote: “For neither I, nor any other such one, can come up to the wisdom of the blessed and glorified Paul. He, when among you, accurately and steadfastly taught the word of truth in the presence of those who were then alive. And when absent from you, he wrote you a letter,...”

In Chapter IV of his letter, a section of various exhortations, he reminds us of our mortality – one of the themes of Ash Wednesday. He wrote: “Knowing, therefore, that as we brought nothing into the world, so we can carry nothing out, let us arm ourselves with the armour of righteousness...”

In Chapter VII he has words that strike a chord with Lent: “Let us return to the word which has been handed down to us from the beginning; watching unto prayer, and persevering in fasting; beseeching in our supplications the all-seeing God not to lead us into temptation, as the Lord has said: “The spirit is truly willing, but the flesh is weak”.

What would you like your vision to be?

On February 24, 1208 – as we entered into the second day of Lent – St. Francis of Assisi experienced a vision – one of several – in the Church of Portunicula in Italy. Often, many believers associate visions with Paul's (Saul) encounter with the Resurrected Jesus on the Road to Damascus (Acts 9). Sometimes too, visions are reminiscent of Moses and the burning bush on Mt. Sinai (Exodus 3).

The truth is: We encounter God in different forms of visions all the time. Often we may not recognize them or we are simply not looking for them.

In any case, St. Francis had a vision on this day, which convinced him – yes, he recognized it as a special message. It convinced him to begin preaching repentance, singing, helping and caring for the poor and lepers, the most vulnerable.

Christians can certainly share the same vision during this Lenten season.

One picture of St. Francis, familiar with Christians and non-Christians alike is his preaching to birds! And when you think of the First Reading for this coming Sunday, the First Sunday in Lent, God establishes a covenant with Noah and his descendants. He says, “As for me, I am establishing my covenant with you and your descendants after you, and with every living creature that is with you, the birds, the domestic animals, and every animal of the earth with you...” (Genesis 9:8 -17).

It is God's covenant with all creation, initiated and created by God according to His mercy and grace.

Thinking of Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna, and St. Francis of Assisi, what visions are you having for Cincinnati or your community wherever it may be, and for your life in this Season of Lent?